Celebrating our 12th Anniversary

Twelve years ago today, Lunar Lounge was founded from the basement of my parents’ home. It all started from an idea. “To build some coffee tables and sell them on the internet” as crazy as that idea still sounds today, I am living proof that with enough drive, determination and desire, anything is possible.
Today it has grown to be so much more than that. What started out as an idea has now taken me down a new path that I had never imagined for myself. Its crazy to think that thousands of people, all over the world own and enjoy a piece of furniture I have made with my own hands. People who I have never met and quite possibly never will, believed enough in me and my word to purchase a piece , sight unseen from half way across the country or globe to have it end up in their home.
To say I am flattered is an understatement. I have been loved, hated, doubted and ridiculed but also admired and appreciated. I have inspired others and been inspired. I cannot thank all of the people who have influenced me, challenged me and have taught me and those who offered me their help when I needed it.
This adventure is far from over, but in the past 12 years , it’s easy to forget where you are if you don’t look back every once in a while to see how far you have come. I can tell you it wasn’t easy..but it certainly has been worth it. So I wish to thank all of those who have believed and supported me , without you, this idea would have never come to fruition. Here is to many more!